Saudi arabian airlines

Saudi Arabian Airlines started out in 1945 with a single twin-engine DC-3 (Dakota) HZ-AAX given to King Abdul Aziz as a gift by the U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. This was followed months later with the purchase of two more DC-3s, and these formed the nucleus of what in few years later was to become one of the world's largest airlines.
Today Saudi Arabian Airlines has some one hundred and thirty-nine (139) aircrafts, including the latest and most advanced wide-bodied jets presently available: B747-400s, B747-300s, B747-100s, B777-200s, Airbus A300-600s, MD-11s and MD90s.
It is our pleasure to list the most important historical highlights of Saudi Arabian Airlines since its establishment until becoming one of the best airlines in the world.
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